Neal Zimm
The If statement code snippet below is failing, the else
branch is taken for two seemingly = values.
All values are dim'd As Single
uEPPAy is an array of user type records.
Prior to this: Weeks 1 and 2 hours are split in the worksheet
by formula into regular and Overtime OTi hours. Cells are number
format with 2 decimals, (via time clock hundreths of an hour).
'Check total, control all hours, sum Wk 1,2, sum Reg+OT, must be = .
uEPPAy(Ix).nPPTotHrs = uEPPAy(Ix).nWk1TotHrs + uEPPAy(Ix).nWk2TotHrs
nPPchkTotHrs = uEPPAy(Ix).nPPRegHrs + uEPPAy(Ix).nPPOTiHrs
uEPPAy(Ix).nPPTotHrs, dim'd single
nPPchkTotHrs, in the macro's vba.
debug.Print format(uEPPAy(Ix).nPPTotHrs,"0.000000000")
debug.Print format(nPPchkTotHrs,"0.000000000")
If uEPPAy(Ix).nPPTotHrs = nPPchkTotHrs Then
'code for controls are =
'this code is executing on above values ????
end if
Why is this happening ?
Is a Single value in a record 'different' from a VBA variable?
Do I have to "fool around" with Single type values
when comparing them? Something like:
if abs(value - value) < 0.001 then
end if
Neal Z.
branch is taken for two seemingly = values.
All values are dim'd As Single
uEPPAy is an array of user type records.
Prior to this: Weeks 1 and 2 hours are split in the worksheet
by formula into regular and Overtime OTi hours. Cells are number
format with 2 decimals, (via time clock hundreths of an hour).
'Check total, control all hours, sum Wk 1,2, sum Reg+OT, must be = .
uEPPAy(Ix).nPPTotHrs = uEPPAy(Ix).nWk1TotHrs + uEPPAy(Ix).nWk2TotHrs
nPPchkTotHrs = uEPPAy(Ix).nPPRegHrs + uEPPAy(Ix).nPPOTiHrs
uEPPAy(Ix).nPPTotHrs, dim'd single
nPPchkTotHrs, in the macro's vba.
debug.Print format(uEPPAy(Ix).nPPTotHrs,"0.000000000")
debug.Print format(nPPchkTotHrs,"0.000000000")
If uEPPAy(Ix).nPPTotHrs = nPPchkTotHrs Then
'code for controls are =
'this code is executing on above values ????
end if
Why is this happening ?
Is a Single value in a record 'different' from a VBA variable?
Do I have to "fool around" with Single type values
when comparing them? Something like:
if abs(value - value) < 0.001 then
end if
Neal Z.