#Value! error on code that should be correct?



I am currently converting lotus 1-2-3 workbooks into excel 2007 workbooks for
my company and I have ran into a road block, It seems that excel will not
automaticly reconize a "blank" or zero and is producing the #Value error The
following will be the code and the cells it links to I would like it to
produce a zero if nothing is in the cell. Please help:
1.)=SUM(C40:F40)<<<<<This is T40
2.)=IF(T40>0,T40,0)<<<<<This is G40, which is 0
4.)=IF(G40>0,G40,0)<<<<N40, Which is 0
5.)=IF(N40>0,1.3*((N40*P40)^0.625/(N40+P40)^0.25),M40)<<<AI40, Which is a
#Value! error
That is M40 which is also a Value err.
7.)=IF(G40>0,(T$14/G40)*H$12,0)<<<That is AB40, Which is 0
8.) =IF(L40>0,(1.08*(L40^0.36))/(AB40^0.0009)-(AB40*10.1-2),0) <<< that is
AJ, Which is a Value error

I have most of this calculation sheet completed there is 8 rows of this
problem on 30 sheets I have not been able to crack. I don't understand why
excel doesn't look at a 0 or blank space and calculate as such if your trying
to multiply a "blank" which = 0 (or at least it should be) why it wouldn't
just make that cell a zero or blank. Also sorry about the formating but I
thought with the math it might help to break it down. Its Upper level Trig.

Pat Hartman

This is a forum for questions about Access. You are more likely to get a
suitable answer if you post to an Excel forum.


Sorry about that I searched in the excell forum but it gave me access and I
posted without paying attention thanx for the heads up.

Larry Linson

RHein said:
Sorry about that I searched in the excell forum but it gave me access and I
posted without paying attention thanx for the heads up.

Yes, it is easy to be misdirected here by the online interface, because this
newsgroup sorts first. Keep scrolling and good luck.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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