I have an issue while trying to get a result out of Networkdsays formula.
My date formate is 28.09.2007 (ie, 28 is date, 09 is month and 2007 is year).
It is a system generate report with the above format. I getting an error
message. I have tried installing Analysis ToolPak through Addins. It is not
working some one please help me in resolving this issue
I have an issue while trying to get a result out of Networkdsays formula.
My date formate is 28.09.2007 (ie, 28 is date, 09 is month and 2007 is year).
It is a system generate report with the above format. I getting an error
message. I have tried installing Analysis ToolPak through Addins. It is not
working some one please help me in resolving this issue