If A1 contains 200/7 that is a text string.
Returns the correct result because 200 is being divided by 7 and that result
which is a number is passed to the VALUE function for further calculation.
However, using the VALUE function in this manner is redundant.
Retunrs a #VALUE! error because 200/7 is a rext string *and* the calculation
of 200 divided by 7 is not taking place.
VALUE returns the numeric equivalent of a text number. To see how it works
try this:
A1 = 200/7
Enter this formula in a cell, say D1:
The result is the TEXT string 200. To see that it is in fact a TEXT string
try these formulas to test it:
=ISTEXT(D1) will return TRUE
=ISNUMBER(D1) will return FALSE
Also note that the cell alignment is to the left. TEXT aligns left and
numeric numbers align right.
Now try this formula in D1:
Notice all the changes. The cell is now aligned right and the results of
ISTEXT and ISNUMBER have reversed.
Note however, the use of the VALUE function is almost never needed. You can
convert TEXT numbers to NUMERIC numbers by using double negation. Like this:
Also, any math operation on a TEXT number will coerce it to a numeric
To get the result that you expect requires a special functon. Try this:
*Select cell B1*
Goto the menu Insert>Name>Define
Name: Calculate
Refers to: =EVALUATE(A1)
Now type this into cell *B1* :