value in combo is disapearing



I have a form "ROS/PMH" with a subform "ROS subform" (displayed as a
datasheet) connected by SSN.

the subform as fields Loc, Site, Type, and ICDCode which are all comboboxes.

the sql for ICDCode is SELECT [Diagnosis Table new].Diagnosis, [Dx
Classification].[ICD Code], [Dx Classification].Site, [Dx
Classification].TypeOfInjury FROM [Diagnosis Table new] LEFT JOIN [Dx
Classification] ON [Diagnosis Table new].ICD_Code = [Dx Classification].[ICD
Code] WHERE ((([Dx
Classification].Site)=[Forms]![ROS/PMH]![Child16].[Form]![Site]) AND (([Dx

bound column is 2.
the problem is that when i click in the ICDCode field every other value for
ICDCode becomes blank. when I click in ICDCOde of record 2, record 1 ICDCode
goes blank. when i cick back in record 1 ICDCode, it reappears but record 2
ICDCode goes blankl.

how do i fix this so that it does not go blank?

thank you

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