well have a lookup problem, and i just for somereason cant find the help
i need in online examples...
our company keeps track of the year by using periods and weeks...where
there is 4 weeks in one period so effectively giving 14periods per year
for the 52 weeks...
well on our spreadsheet we keep track of each periods cash flow +/-, to
see if someone is steeling or the like...
what i am having trouble with is, every week we go in and clear the
sheet of data to have a blank sheet, i have already done leaps and
bounds for the boss in having half the sheet automated, calculations
for the boss, he used it only because he liked the lines lol.
so every week we have to manually enter the cell named "PTD" for the
period cash, so say its week 3 and period 11, it would be the total of
three weeks worth +/-.
well it would be tons easier if the spreed sheet only required as
little input as possible.
On sheet 1, is our main data we use everyday, in cell b2 we have the
period number, in cell d2 we have the week number
towards the bottom in cell a10, we have the cell "PTD"
i want that cell to look at cell b2 and d2 determine the period and
week, look in sheet 3 find the row value that represents the value of
the period on sheet one, then find the column representing the week,
and give me the value at the intersection....
so far i tried =hlookup(b2, sheet3!a2:a15, sheet3!a3:a6)
or something like that, tried the vlookup function and tried index
function just right now i cant think straight after doing 3d
programming for a hobby
this would save us tons trouble if i could find the right function
probably a index one just cant put it together
i need in online examples...
our company keeps track of the year by using periods and weeks...where
there is 4 weeks in one period so effectively giving 14periods per year
for the 52 weeks...
well on our spreadsheet we keep track of each periods cash flow +/-, to
see if someone is steeling or the like...
what i am having trouble with is, every week we go in and clear the
sheet of data to have a blank sheet, i have already done leaps and
bounds for the boss in having half the sheet automated, calculations
for the boss, he used it only because he liked the lines lol.
so every week we have to manually enter the cell named "PTD" for the
period cash, so say its week 3 and period 11, it would be the total of
three weeks worth +/-.
well it would be tons easier if the spreed sheet only required as
little input as possible.
On sheet 1, is our main data we use everyday, in cell b2 we have the
period number, in cell d2 we have the week number
towards the bottom in cell a10, we have the cell "PTD"
i want that cell to look at cell b2 and d2 determine the period and
week, look in sheet 3 find the row value that represents the value of
the period on sheet one, then find the column representing the week,
and give me the value at the intersection....
so far i tried =hlookup(b2, sheet3!a2:a15, sheet3!a3:a6)
or something like that, tried the vlookup function and tried index
function just right now i cant think straight after doing 3d
programming for a hobby
this would save us tons trouble if i could find the right function
probably a index one just cant put it together