Newsgroups: microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
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Xref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms:77658
Maybe I am doing it incorrectly but I just cut and pasted all of the
controls from the compose page and pasted them to the read page. I
wanted the person receiving the form to see exactly what was selected
on the compose page and to be able to change the values if needed. Is
there another/better way?
If you really did cut and paste all, really, really ALL, the controls
from the compose page to the read page, then you should not be using a
split form. Every thing is the same. Just go into design mode, and
uncheck the box for separate forms. There will be a warning that you
will lose any unique items on the read page, but you don't have any
unique items on the read page. Say do it anyway to the warning, and
republish. Then test to see if it works as you expected.
The problem with the cut and paste method is that all the controls are
renamed, and any custom fields that are referenced are also renamed in
the paste operation. Consequently, the controls in the read page do not
autoload from the compose page.
The correct way to set up the controls of the read-page so that they
autoload properly in a split page form, is to do all the common elements
first, then split the form into compose page and read page, and then add
the unique elements.