Values as varibles



How can I set a value of a field from a specific record
from an Access97 query as varible in Word97?
I don't want to carry out a mail merge (yet) as this value
will be used to source the mail merge (word) template.
This is what I have:

'mailmerge to determine the template to use
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"\\MELFS004\Position Profiles.mdb" _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False,
LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="QUERY
qryTemplateCreation", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation]", SQLStatement1:=""

'a user form sets the value of the txtPos varible
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString = _
"SELECT [APS_Level] FROM [qryTemplateCreation]
WHERE (([Position_No] = " _
& "'" & txtPosNo & "'))" & ""

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
'The value determines which template to use
Templte$ = DataSource.DataFields
End With

Path$ = Path$ + Templte$
'Debug.Print Path$

'Open the template
WordBasic.FileNew Template:=Path$, NewTemplate:=0

Debug.Print QryString$

'the real mailmerge
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"\\MELFS004\Position Profiles.mdb" _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False,
LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="QUERY
qryTemplateCreation", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation]", SQLStatement1:=""

QryString$ = "SELECT * FROM [qryTemplateCreation]
WHERE (([Position_No] =" _
& "'" & txtPosNo & "'))" & ""

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString =

'carry out the merge
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.MailAsAttachment = False
.MailAddressFieldName = ""
.MailSubject = ""
.SuppressBlankLines = True
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
End With
.Execute Pause:=True
End With

Peter Jamieson

You're close. As far as I can see, the only things you would absolutely have
to change to make this work are

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
'The value determines which template to use
' there should be a dot before DataSource
' Word's field names do not need the [] around them, which are just
"quoting characters"
' within Access to allow characters in table and field names, such as
' which might otherwise confuse SQL
Templte$ = .DataSource.DataFields("APS_Level").Value
End With

a. I think things would be clearer if you got rid of the remnants of
Wordbasic in your code, especially that
WordBasic.FileNew Template:=Path$, NewTemplate:=0
b. the OpenDataSource statements can be much simpler, e.g. the following
should be enough in this case:

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource _
Name:=\\MEFS004\Position Profiles.mdb, _
Connection:="", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM [qryTemplateCreation]"

(You shouldn't need anything in the Connection parameter because Word will
assume a DDE connection if you don't specify an ODBC connection string. But
leave it in if you want).

Peter Jamieson

Carl said:
How can I set a value of a field from a specific record
from an Access97 query as varible in Word97?
I don't want to carry out a mail merge (yet) as this value
will be used to source the mail merge (word) template.
This is what I have:

'mailmerge to determine the template to use
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"\\MELFS004\Position Profiles.mdb" _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False,
LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="QUERY
qryTemplateCreation", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation]", SQLStatement1:=""

'a user form sets the value of the txtPos varible
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString = _
"SELECT [APS_Level] FROM [qryTemplateCreation]
WHERE (([Position_No] = " _
& "'" & txtPosNo & "'))" & ""

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
'The value determines which template to use
Templte$ = DataSource.DataFields
End With

Path$ = Path$ + Templte$
'Debug.Print Path$

'Open the template
WordBasic.FileNew Template:=Path$, NewTemplate:=0

Debug.Print QryString$

'the real mailmerge
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"\\MELFS004\Position Profiles.mdb" _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False,
LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="QUERY
qryTemplateCreation", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation]", SQLStatement1:=""

QryString$ = "SELECT * FROM [qryTemplateCreation]
WHERE (([Position_No] =" _
& "'" & txtPosNo & "'))" & ""

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString =

'carry out the merge
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.MailAsAttachment = False
.MailAddressFieldName = ""
.MailSubject = ""
.SuppressBlankLines = True
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
End With
.Execute Pause:=True
End With


Thanks Peter
The problem is it picks the value of the first record.
When I alter the SQLStatement to "SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation] WHERE (([Position_No] = '" &
txtPosNo & "'))" & ""
I get a runtime error 5922, can't open data source. I need
this where condition to return the correct value, not the

-----Original Message-----
You're close. As far as I can see, the only things you would absolutely have
to change to make this work are

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
'The value determines which template to use
' there should be a dot before DataSource
' Word's field names do not need the [] around them, which are just
"quoting characters"
' within Access to allow characters in table and field names, such as
' which might otherwise confuse SQL
Templte$ = .DataSource.DataFields("APS_Level").Value
End With

a. I think things would be clearer if you got rid of the remnants of
Wordbasic in your code, especially that
WordBasic.FileNew Template:=Path$, NewTemplate:=0
b. the OpenDataSource statements can be much simpler, e.g. the following
should be enough in this case:

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource _
Name:=\\MEFS004\Position Profiles.mdb, _
Connection:="", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM [qryTemplateCreation]"

(You shouldn't need anything in the Connection parameter because Word will
assume a DDE connection if you don't specify an ODBC connection string. But
leave it in if you want).

Peter Jamieson

How can I set a value of a field from a specific record
from an Access97 query as varible in Word97?
I don't want to carry out a mail merge (yet) as this value
will be used to source the mail merge (word) template.
This is what I have:

'mailmerge to determine the template to use
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"\\MELFS004\Position Profiles.mdb" _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False,
LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="QUERY
qryTemplateCreation", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation]", SQLStatement1:=""

'a user form sets the value of the txtPos varible
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString = _
"SELECT [APS_Level] FROM [qryTemplateCreation]
WHERE (([Position_No] = " _
& "'" & txtPosNo & "'))" & ""

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
'The value determines which template to use
Templte$ = DataSource.DataFields
End With

Path$ = Path$ + Templte$
'Debug.Print Path$

'Open the template
WordBasic.FileNew Template:=Path$, NewTemplate:=0

Debug.Print QryString$

'the real mailmerge
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"\\MELFS004\Position Profiles.mdb" _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False,
LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="QUERY
qryTemplateCreation", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation]", SQLStatement1:=""

QryString$ = "SELECT * FROM [qryTemplateCreation]
WHERE (([Position_No] =" _
& "'" & txtPosNo & "'))" & ""

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString =

'carry out the merge
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.MailAsAttachment = False
.MailAddressFieldName = ""
.MailSubject = ""
.SuppressBlankLines = True
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
End With
.Execute Pause:=True
End With


Peter Jamieson

Just in case: Is the Position_No column defiitely data type "String"? If no,
ditch the single quotes

If it is a string but txtPosNo isn't /identical/ to the value in the data,
you will get no hits and the query will fail.

There could be other problems but that would be my starting point.

Peter Jamieson

Carl said:
Thanks Peter
The problem is it picks the value of the first record.
When I alter the SQLStatement to "SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation] WHERE (([Position_No] = '" &
txtPosNo & "'))" & ""
I get a runtime error 5922, can't open data source. I need
this where condition to return the correct value, not the

-----Original Message-----
You're close. As far as I can see, the only things you would absolutely have
to change to make this work are

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
'The value determines which template to use
' there should be a dot before DataSource
' Word's field names do not need the [] around them, which are just
"quoting characters"
' within Access to allow characters in table and field names, such as
' which might otherwise confuse SQL
Templte$ = .DataSource.DataFields("APS_Level").Value
End With

a. I think things would be clearer if you got rid of the remnants of
Wordbasic in your code, especially that
WordBasic.FileNew Template:=Path$, NewTemplate:=0
b. the OpenDataSource statements can be much simpler, e.g. the following
should be enough in this case:

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource _
Name:=\\MEFS004\Position Profiles.mdb, _
Connection:="", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM [qryTemplateCreation]"

(You shouldn't need anything in the Connection parameter because Word will
assume a DDE connection if you don't specify an ODBC connection string. But
leave it in if you want).

Peter Jamieson

How can I set a value of a field from a specific record
from an Access97 query as varible in Word97?
I don't want to carry out a mail merge (yet) as this value
will be used to source the mail merge (word) template.
This is what I have:

'mailmerge to determine the template to use
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"\\MELFS004\Position Profiles.mdb" _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False,
LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="QUERY
qryTemplateCreation", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation]", SQLStatement1:=""

'a user form sets the value of the txtPos varible
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString = _
"SELECT [APS_Level] FROM [qryTemplateCreation]
WHERE (([Position_No] = " _
& "'" & txtPosNo & "'))" & ""

With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
'The value determines which template to use
Templte$ = DataSource.DataFields
End With

Path$ = Path$ + Templte$
'Debug.Print Path$

'Open the template
WordBasic.FileNew Template:=Path$, NewTemplate:=0

Debug.Print QryString$

'the real mailmerge
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"\\MELFS004\Position Profiles.mdb" _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False,
LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="QUERY
qryTemplateCreation", _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM
[qryTemplateCreation]", SQLStatement1:=""

QryString$ = "SELECT * FROM [qryTemplateCreation]
WHERE (([Position_No] =" _
& "'" & txtPosNo & "'))" & ""

ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.QueryString =

'carry out the merge
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.MailAsAttachment = False
.MailAddressFieldName = ""
.MailSubject = ""
.SuppressBlankLines = True
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
End With
.Execute Pause:=True
End With


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