[values from many sheets]




I want to create user form which will contain:
-->RefEdit - to select cell
-->button OK - when I click on it, Excel will take value of this cell in
every sheet,
create new sheet (or probably create .txt file) and write all values from

In general I know what I want to do... but I don't now how --> Could you
give me some useful commands
or similar Excel VBA Project ?


This code works without a UserForm,
Select a cell then run the code
Sub LoopThroughSheetsGetValue()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim ShtNm As String

r = ActiveCell.Row
c = ActiveCell.Column

ShtNm = InputBox("What is the New Sheet Name?")
Sheets.Add.Name = ShtNm

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

If ws.Name <> ShtNm Then

If ws.Visible = True Then
Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = ws.Name
Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1) = ws.Cells(r,

End If

End If
Next ws

End Sub

Don Guillett Excel MVP


I want to create user form which will contain:
-->RefEdit - to select cell
-->button OK - when I click on it, Excel will take value of this cell in
every sheet,
create new sheet (or probably create .txt file) and write all values from

In general I know what I want to do... but I don't now how --> Could you
give me some useful commands
or similar Excel VBA Project ?

"If desired, send your file to dguillett @gmail.com I will only look
1. You send a copy of this message on an inserted sheet
2. You give me the newsgroup and the subject line
3. You send a clear explanation of what you want
4. You send before/after examples and expected results."

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