Values?? Please Read Below.



This is my dilema and I cannot find any answers anywhere.

I want to create a spreadsheet where the following values...

Width DIA Pitch
1 5 0.1
2 4 0.2
3 3 0.3
4 2 0.4
5 1 0.5

For each and every single scenario possible there is a different price (i
haven't listed them) how would I create a spreadsheet where i have three drop
down boxes (i know how to do these) and when i select a value from the drop
down box it displays a price that conforms with that scenario? So say Width
=1 DIA=5 PITCH=0.1 = SAY $1 then i change it too Width = 2 DIA=5 Pitch= 0.1
this then = $2 so on and so forth, is this actually possible and is it a BIG
process or is there a really easy way!!

I probably haven't explained this well at all and I do apologise.


T. Valko

If there's a linear relationship between the 3 specs and the price then you
might be able to do this without creating a table. Otherwise, you'll have to
create a table that lists all the possible combinations along with the


Find the price for:

W = 1, D = 2, Pit = 0.2

With the above table in the range A2:D7 (A1:D1= column headers).


A10 = 1 (W)
B10 = 2 (D)
C10 = 0.2 (Pit)


Result = 17


Say you create your data list in Columns W, X, Y, and Z.
W = Width
X = Dia
Y = Pitch
Z = Price

Say from W2 to Z100.

Say your dropdowns are Columns A2, B2, and C2.

Enter this formula in D2:


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