Here's what happened. Despite some difficulties in Word 2004 finagling
a fairly complex page layout, including several photos, the thing came
out real nice. I saved the document, only a one page affair.
The next day was "cleanup" time. I opened a utility called Onyx which
runs various maintenance scripts and trashes various caches. (I'm not
sure whether this is relevant.)
Today, I opened my beautiful document and found the text was all there
as it's supposed to be but all the photos were absent. Instead of each
picture there was only a thin line border where each would have been.
Vanished, all but the outline of each.
Any ideas what might have happened? More important, am I out of luck or
can something still be done? Thanks to anyone with ideas.
a fairly complex page layout, including several photos, the thing came
out real nice. I saved the document, only a one page affair.
The next day was "cleanup" time. I opened a utility called Onyx which
runs various maintenance scripts and trashes various caches. (I'm not
sure whether this is relevant.)
Today, I opened my beautiful document and found the text was all there
as it's supposed to be but all the photos were absent. Instead of each
picture there was only a thin line border where each would have been.
Vanished, all but the outline of each.
Any ideas what might have happened? More important, am I out of luck or
can something still be done? Thanks to anyone with ideas.