variability of functioning hyperlinks when using Publisher 2000 ve



1) I've published my website, after making sure the hyperlink addresses are
correct. All of the internal links except one work fine. 3 of the external
links do not direct to the correct page. I've manually entered each
hyperlink, double checked the addresses, etc.
2) I found questions about this hyperlink variability back in 2004 -- and referred those questions to a particular link. When I
click on the link, there's a forbidden error, stating that I'm not authorized
to see the information. So I still need help figuring out how to deal with
this quirk.
3) My website is karennicholshoppe@info. The external links that don't work
are "Euro-Institute", "Phi Lambda Theta", and "Xeo" on the Continuing
Education page. The internal link that doesn't work is the "back" on the
continuing education page.

Mike Koewler


First, your web address should be (dot)info, not @info!
The reason the XEO link does not work is you have two addresses in it,
your website/ Edit the link and it should work.
On the Phi Lambda link, I get a page not found error. Recheck the
address. I find it best to go to the page, highlight the address and
copy/paste it as the hyperlink. The Euro-Institute link has a similar
problem - you don't have - the www is missing.

FWIW, your pages are too wide to view in a browser set to 800-600
resolution. Slightly less than 50 percent of web visitors use this
setting (or lower). Do you really want to inconvenience that many


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