variable average


Sue in Illinois

I've got a spreadsheet linked to Access which pulls in a year's worth of
actual sales numbers (of products). I need to figure the average sales over
either the past 3 or 6 or 12 months. The number of months to base the average
on is part of the query. Is there a way to write the "=average" formula to
look to the cell w/ the number of months to use and then average on the past
3/6/12 months based on what's in that cell?
I can send a sample spreadsheet to anyone who thinks they can help.
thanks much, Sue in Illinois

Bob Phillips

Try this array formula


where F1 holds the number of months.

Commit the formula with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not just Enter

Sue in Illinois

Got the #NAME? error - Column E holds the "number of months to look back"
and the actual quantities for 2008 run from Column F thru Column Q, with the
average trend running from Column R thru Column AC (Jan-Dec, 2009). If the
number of months in Col E is 3, then starting w/ R the formula needs to
average O/P/Q; and in Col S average P/Q/R. I've got the formula in all
columns & just changed the cell range. My need is that if the boss wants to
change the number of months from 3 to 6, I want to be able for one of us to
just change the number in Col E and have the formula recalculate - rather
than having to go thru Cols R thru AC & change the range.
Thanks for your quick response!
Sue Hallwas

Bob Phillips

EOMONTH is from the Analysis Toolpak (ATP). Do you have it installed (check

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