Variable Control Names


Garry Jones

Within a user form I am trying to reduce the amount of code needed to
enter text into text box

I have two text boxes. TextBox1 and TextBox2

When Command Button 1 is clicked I want the result
TextBox1.Text = "This is my test text"

When Command Button 2 is clicked I want the result
TextBox2.Text = "This is my test text"

But I wish to use the same piece of code for both examples.

I am missing something here. This is my test example.


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
setar (1)
'when Command Button 1 is clicked it sends the number 1 as a variable to
the code
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
setar (2)
'when Command Button 2 is clicked it sends the number 2 as a variable to
the code
End Sub

Private Sub setar(ArgValue As Integer)
TextBoxArgValue.Text = "This is my test text"
'Missing something here
End Sub

Bottom Line

How do I get Argvalue to place itself between the x of TextBoxand the .


On a similar note, how do I add this number mid text?

When Command Button 1 is clicked I want the result
TextBox1.Text = "This is my test 1 text"

When Command Button 2 is clicked I want the result
TextBox2.Text = "This is my test 2 text"

Garry Jones

PS, Yes I know I can get the same effect by using unique code in each
command button control. But I have 198 command buttons so I want to use
the same code 198 times.

Anders S


Try this for a start:

Private Sub setar(ArgValue As Integer)
Dim boxName As String
boxName = "Textbox" & ArgValue
Me.Controls(boxName).Value = boxName
End Sub

Anders Silvén

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