Variable Difficulties



Okay, so I've created Form1, Form2, Form3, and Form 4.
Each with 4 created command buttons. So I have two

1) How do you made a box where someone can insert a value.
2) The value that is typed in Form1, I would like for it
to be remembered until I finish clicking and entering the
values in form2, form3, and form4. Then from there have
all 4 values generated in a userform and report in form5.
How do I make this possible?

Thank you for your time.


Let's see.

1) Maybe I misunderstood, but wouldn't you just use the
textbox tool in the toolbox? If you're having problems
with the wizard's questions, you can turn it off by
clicking on the wand in the toolbox before making your

2) Basically, it looks like you're asking how you can make
a form's data available after the form is closed. While
there are several methods, a simple way is to not close
the form. Instead, set the form's IsVisible property to
false. This will make the form disappear from the screen
without actually closing it. (Me.IsVisible = False)

When you are ready to create form 5, you can refer to the
controls in forms 1-4 using the syntax "Forms!Form1!
controlname". When you are done with the four forms, be
sure to close them (use "Forms!form1.Close").

Hopefully, this helps. However, I am new to Access
programming myself, so I may have completely misunderstood
your question.

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