variable field name in sql string



I am building the following sql string behind a form:

g_strsql = "SELECT TblCurrentTitle.band62 INTO hold "
g_strsql = g_strsql & "FROM tblCurrentTitle "
g_strsql = g_strsql & "WHERE (((TblCurrentTitle.band62) Is Not Null));"

based on the input from the form I will either be using field band62 or
field band64. I cannot figure out how to set this up to accept a variable in
the sql string.

any help would be appreciated.


You cannot refer to the variable directly. Instead, create a function that
gets the value of the variable.

Public Function GetMyID()
GetMyID = MyID 'where MyID is the variable whose value is already set
End Function

Now, refer to the function as GetMyID() instead of the variable MyID in SQL

Marshall Barton

KSH said:
I am building the following sql string behind a form:

g_strsql = "SELECT TblCurrentTitle.band62 INTO hold "
g_strsql = g_strsql & "FROM tblCurrentTitle "
g_strsql = g_strsql & "WHERE (((TblCurrentTitle.band62) Is Not Null));"

based on the input from the form I will either be using field band62 or
field band64. I cannot figure out how to set this up to accept a variable in
the sql string.

First put the name of the field in a variable (named
strField), then use:

g_strsql = "SELECT " & strField & " INTO hold " _
& "FROM tblCurrentTitle "
& "WHERE " & strField & " Is Not Null"

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