Debera Rudy
I have a table with this layout:
co no acct no Jan 2002 Feb 2002 .....
xxx XXXXXXXX $xxx $xxx
A quarterly comparison report has been requested. I made
a query from the table, and summed each quarter. I
created a form with two option groups listing each
available quarter and combo box for the account number.
The user is to select the account number, and then one
quarter from each of the option boxes. I created the
report by "hiding" the quarters not selected through a
macro using setvalue. This logic works until I attach a
macro to the on close property of the report (To close
the form and open the main form. Then several different
things happen - the report asks for a parameter value for
the account number, and the report does not receive the
focus and is hidden behind the form. Also, I do not
physically close the report or close it by code. If I
use the step through, it seems to get into a loop with
the on close action after each step of the macro to
produce the report. Does anyone have any suggestions why
adding the on close macro would change how the report
co no acct no Jan 2002 Feb 2002 .....
xxx XXXXXXXX $xxx $xxx
A quarterly comparison report has been requested. I made
a query from the table, and summed each quarter. I
created a form with two option groups listing each
available quarter and combo box for the account number.
The user is to select the account number, and then one
quarter from each of the option boxes. I created the
report by "hiding" the quarters not selected through a
macro using setvalue. This logic works until I attach a
macro to the on close property of the report (To close
the form and open the main form. Then several different
things happen - the report asks for a parameter value for
the account number, and the report does not receive the
focus and is hidden behind the form. Also, I do not
physically close the report or close it by code. If I
use the step through, it seems to get into a loop with
the on close action after each step of the macro to
produce the report. Does anyone have any suggestions why
adding the on close macro would change how the report