Variable Filenames


Paul Kendall


I have a macro which incorporates a routine that writes files to a
local directory. I use the simple SaveAs Filename script, as follows:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\S&P 500 INDEX.xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False

Which is fine, if I know the filename that I'm going to use in advance.
However, in most of the jobs I'm trying to run, I won't know the file
names in advance. These will come from a lookup that the macro
performs. Does anyone know how I might generalize the script above to
incorporate a variable? I was thinking about declaring a variable,
setting it equal to whatever filename it should be, and somehow using
that variable to save the file, so:

Dim currentfile as String '(or whatever the case may be)

currentfile=ActiveCell '(the cell which will contain the filename)

But how do I then use this variable 'currentfile' in a SaveAs script?
Obviously, if I use "currentfile" it will be saved as
"currentfile.xls". Do I simply put this in parentheses, instead? or is
there some completely different syntax that I'm missing? Apologies in
advance if this is way too elementary a question. Any help is much


Vasant Nanavati

Hi Paul:


assuming the string currentfile includes the .xls extension. No quotes
should be used.



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