variable naming conventions



I have seen people use int or just i, str or just s, etc., in front of
variable names.

It seems people have their own preferences. Does anyone know of a website
that provides proper varable naming conventions?


Helmut Weber


google for:

Reddick VBA Naming Conventions

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

Jonathan West

zkid said:
I have seen people use int or just i, str or just s, etc., in front of
variable names.

It seems people have their own preferences. Does anyone know of a website
that provides proper varable naming conventions?


There is no single "proper" way. Simply remember that the code serves 2

1. it is a set of instructions for the computer

2. It is a message to yourself or your successor as to what you were trying
to get the computer to do.

Naming conventions are just that - conventions, and by definition more or
less arbitrary. Choose one which suits you and those you work with.

Having a naming convention that uses prefixes for variable types serves two

- It enables you to immediately identify the type of a variable, and
therefore the range of things you can do to it.

- It more or less eliminates any chance that you will accidentally give a
variable the same name as an object within the Word object model.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
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