Variable not defined compile error


Phil Hageman

I'm getting a compile error: Variable not defined, in Auto_Open.
DisplayVideoResolution is highlighted. What is the correction?

Sub Auto_Open()
Dim strResolution As String
strResolution = DisplayVideoResolution
If strResolution = "1024 x 768" Then
zoom1 = 78
zoom2 = 80
zoom3 = 81
pagezoom1 = 83
pagezoom2 = 87
pagezoom3 = 89
End If
End Sub

Bob Phillips

You need a bit more code

Declare Function GetSystemMetrics32 Lib "user32" Alias "GetSystemMetrics" _
(ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Dim zoom1, zoom2, zoom3, pagezoom1, pagezoom2, pagezoom3

Function DisplayVideoResolution() As String
DisplayVideoResolution = GetSystemMetrics32(0) & " x " &
End Function

Sub Auto_Open()
Dim strResolution As String
strResolution = DisplayVideoResolution
If strResolution = "1024 x 768" Then
zoom1 = 78
zoom2 = 80
zoom3 = 81
pagezoom1 = 83
pagezoom2 = 87
pagezoom3 = 89
End If
End Sub

Sub RunSub1()

End Sub

Phil Hageman

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply. I pasted the code in and got a compile error: Syntax
error. The line DisplayVideoResolution = GetSystemMetrics32(0) & " x " & is
highligted. When a click OK on the message box, the line Function
DisplayVideoResolution() As String highlights yellow, and the Display....
line becomes red font. Where did I go wrong?

Thanks, Phil

Bob Phillips

Hi Phil,

Good old wrap-around problem

Declare Function GetSystemMetrics32 Lib "user32" Alias "GetSystemMetrics" _
(ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Dim zoom1, zoom2, zoom3, pagezoom1, pagezoom2, pagezoom3

Function DisplayVideoResolution() As String
DisplayVideoResolution = GetSystemMetrics32(0) & " x " & _
End Function

Sub Auto_Open()
Dim strResolution As String
strResolution = DisplayVideoResolution
If strResolution = "1024 x 768" Then
zoom1 = 78
zoom2 = 80
zoom3 = 81
pagezoom1 = 83
pagezoom2 = 87
pagezoom3 = 89
End If
End Sub

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