Variable Not Defined


Barb Reinhardt

I just received a report from a user testing a workbook in work, that a
variable is not defined in the procedure. What's strange is that the
variable is defined. Has anyone else seen this problem and what is the

FWIW, I have option explicit on every module and when I compile the code,
there are times when errors like this aren't captured. Has anyone seen that
as well?

Barb Reinhardt


I've seen this problem with arrays

Dim abc as variant
Dim abc() as variant

are two diffferent variables.

Bob Phillips

I have definitely seen the situation where I have Option Explicit, as I
always do, and a non-declared variable is not picked up on compile. When
executing the code, it only gets picked up when that path is traversed. I
have never been able to spot a common situation, but it is far more regular
than I would like.


Bob Phillips

Oh, as an aside I have a line similar to this in all procedures

Const mpProcedure As String = "procedure_name"

which also fails regulalrly on compile, and I have to remove that line and
re-type it. Then all is well (?).

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