Variable Or Command



I am trying to figure this out... I want to do something like

=OR(K2:K(L2) <=30) where L2 is a variable number, so it would end up being

L2 = 4 (but it is the sum of several numbers used else where)
=OR(K2:K4 <=30)
and this way it checks if
K2 <= 30
K3 <= 30
K4 <= 30

And will return True if one of these is true...

I tried =OR(INDIRECT("K"&2&":K"&$L2) <=30)
Which only checks the first one and not the others

Any ideas?

John C

Simplified your formula a little bit:
But your formula is correct as is, however, it is an **array** formula. When
you enter the formula, instead of just pressing the enter or tab key, you
must press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. You will know you entered it correctly because
it will be surrounded by the curly brackets in the formula bar { }

Peo Sjoblom


will return TRUE if any of the values of K2:K(L2) are less than or equal to

it's hard to understand what you are trying to do, if this is possible what
you expect the result to be if all values were <=30?



Peo Sjoblom



I not exactly clear if your are just trying to return TRUE if anyone is true
or you want to sum all the elements that would return TRUE. Lets suppose the


This is array entered (Shift+Ctrl+Enter) and it sums all the item in the
range K2:Kx which are <=30.

If this helps, please click the Yes button.


I wanted to check if one is true... so here is a better example I hope.
First off there are 4 donations and if any of them have been in the last 30
days I want it to say true. So it could be 0,1,2,3,4 that are true, but I
only need to know if any of them are true

A = True or False
B = donor ID
I = donation date
K = "=TODAY()-I2", finds todays date and subtracts I's date so I get the #
of days it has been
L = "=COUNTIF(B:B, B2)" so it checks B to find how many gifts a person donated

So a table might look like
Row B K L
1 2 45 4
2 2 30
3 2 90
4 2 22
6 3 45 2
7 3 90
9 6 120 1
11 7 20 2
12 7 50

Now what I am having trouble doing is getting it to check Column B at the
current row L number of times

So it would be like for column A
row 1 =OR(INDIRECT(K1:K(1+(L1)))<=30)
row 6 A =OR(INDIRECT(K6:K(6+(L6)))<=30)
row 9 A =A =OR(INDIRECT(K9:K(9+(L9)))<=30)
Row 11 A =OR(INDIRECT(K11:K(11+(L11)))<=30)

I am looking for a quick way of doing this so anyone could just copy a
forumla and paste it for a new donor and not have to change anything...

idk If that was any better


I wanted to check if one is true... so here is a better example I hope.  
First off there are 4 donations and if any of them have been in the last 30
days I want it to say true.  So it could be 0,1,2,3,4 that are true, but I
only need to know if any of them are true

A = True or False
B = donor ID
I = donation date
K = "=TODAY()-I2", finds todays date and subtracts I's date so I get the #
of days it has been
L = "=COUNTIF(B:B, B2)" so it checks B to find how many gifts a person donated

So a table might look like
Row   B   K     L
1        2   45   4
2        2   30
3        2   90
4        2   22
6        3   45    2
7        3   90
9        6   120  1
11      7    20   2
12      7    50

Now what I am having trouble doing is getting it to check Column B at the
current row L number of times

So it would be like for column A
row 1 =OR(INDIRECT(K1:K(1+(L1)))<=30)
row 6 A =OR(INDIRECT(K6:K(6+(L6)))<=30)
row 9 A =A =OR(INDIRECT(K9:K(9+(L9)))<=30)
Row 11 A =OR(INDIRECT(K11:K(11+(L11)))<=30)

I am looking for a quick way of doing this so anyone could just copy a
forumla and paste it for a new donor and not have to change anything...

idk If that was any better

All you need is Peo's formula, but even less than that...


All you need is Peo's formula, but even less than that...

Ah, I wish you could delete here, sometimes. Nevermind that last post.

Here, instead you need a more advanced COUNTIF, which we usually use

I've assumed you are putting this in Column M or something and want it
to show for every line, so copy down the column. If you have a
different layout, it would have to be modified. But it should return
TRUE if any are 30 or less, FALSE if none are.


Sorry the solution was there all the time, I just had problems with copying
it in... I ended up with:


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