variable path to accessories



I would like to add "shortcut" buttons to a form to call
Windows notepad and calculator.
My question is: What is the best way to handle variable
locations of these .exe's?
NT, 2K, XP, 98 could be in different folders from machine
to machine where I install the front-end.
I am unclear on how I can set variable paths for different
operating systems.
I was looking at the kb article 210158, but I am not sure
if this is heading in the right direction.

Any suggestions?



Gary Miller


Experiment with this on a few different machines and OS's.

Dim retVal

retval = Shell("calc.exe")

I think that this will work universally, only because
calculator and notepad normally live in the Windows
WhateverVersion directory which at the root of the path
statement on all M$ systems so a full path is not required.

Gary Miller
Sisters, OR

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