Variable Printing Procedure


Graham Haughs

I use the procedure below to look for change of values in Column B then
at that change print out a range as shown. This works fine but it is not
ideal. The values down column B ideally should be one value followed by
some variable blanks before a new value appears in Column B and then I
would want to print out the range up to that point but not including the
new value. This would in turn be followed by some blanks before a new
value again appears and so on. The point that printing would need to
stop would be another challenge as the last value would appear and of
course it would be all blanks after that. It would be allowable to print
that one with up to four rows below it before stopping the procedure. It
is not possible to just print each value plus say five blanks as the
number of blanks after each value is variable. This may not be feasible
but I would value any guidance. Sorry if this is not explained very well.

Dim cell As Range
Dim l count As Long
Dim rCol As Range

'Get the last cell in column A
With Sheets("Field Records")
Set rCol = .Range("B10", .Range("B" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
End With

'Loop through column B
For Each cell In rCol.Cells
'If a new value
If cell.Value <> cell.Offset(-1, 0).Value Then
'Count the number of similar values in col B
lCount = Application.CountIf(rCol, cell.Value)
'Resize a range and print it out
cell.Resize(lCount, 16).PrintOut
End If
Next cell

Kind regards
Graham Haughs
Turriff, Scotland

Tom Ogilvy

Assume column C can be used to determine the extent of printing (the last
line to be printed will contain a value in column C).

Sub ABC()
Dim rng as Range, rng1 as Range, rng2 as Range
Dim i as Long
set rng = Cells(rows.count,3).End(xlup).offset(1,-1)
rng.Value = "End"

set rng1 = Range("B10",rng).SpecialCells(xlConstants)
for i = 1 to rng1.areas.count - 1
set rng2 = range(rng1(i),rng1(i+1)(0))
End Sub

Assumes there will be blank cells in each range to be printed and that the
start (top left Cell) of the print area contains a constant (not a formula
and not blank).

Graham Haughs

Thanks for that Tom. I can see how it works but I know would never have
got there without your help. Many thanks.


Graham Haughs

Sorry to come back Tom but I spoke too soon. When I ran it through a
print with several entries it printed one row with the entry in the top
left corner but with no blanks beneath it and then printed two further
pages with a blank row in each. The range that I started it to print had
a value in C10 and B10 and two blank values in C11, C12 and B11, B12. It
should have printed these two rows w ith row 10. There were values in
C13 and B13 but it didn't pick these up and there was no further
printing.I have tried a few variations on your code and will persist but
no success so far. Sorry to be a pain.


Tom Ogilvy

There was an omisison of Areas in setting up the print area.

Sub ABC()
Dim rng As Range, rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range
Dim i As Long
Set rng = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Offset(1, -1)
rng.Value = "End"

Set rng1 = Range("B10", rng).SpecialCells(xlConstants)
For i = 1 To rng1.Areas.Count - 1
Set rng2 = Range(rng1.Areas(i), rng1.Areas(i + 1)(0)) '<== changed line
rng2.Resize(, 16).PrintOut
End Sub

In your example, this would only print Range(B10:B12).Resize(,16)

Showing columns B and C I was assuming you data had a structure like:


for the above data the code produces:


as the printouts

I need one column to determine the extent of the data to be printed for the
last entry in column B.

It doesn't have to be column C. Just adjust the code to look at the column
that can be used. Something must indicate that there are additional lines
for the last entry.

If you have data like


then this method won't work. But I understood you to say every section was
a header with blank rows (from a column B perspective).

Graham Haughs

Thanks again Tom. Part of the problem has been that some of the columns, ie
B & C had data validation and formulae respectively which was creating havoc
with End(xlUp). Column G was actually the first "clean" column, and is one
which will hold data in every row, hence giving the indication for the
extent of data for the last entry in column B.
Your interpretation that every section was a header with blank rows was
correct from the viewpoint of these columns. Thanks for the time and effort
which you have put into this.


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