Msgbox below works fine, returns a capital letter for j and an ASCII char for i.
The timed Popup works fine with prompt shown, want another timed Popup to display what the message box does and do away with the msgbox.
i and j are declared variable refering to two cells on the worksheet.
I have tried to put the j and the i in the prompt section of this timed popup but it rejects .Popup "j & " for " & i" as well as .Popup j & " for " & i
MsgBox j & " for " & i
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Popup "Select another Capital Letter in K1 to
convert to ASCII", _
2, "ASCII Select"
(The CreateObject... text will probably wrap)
The timed Popup works fine with prompt shown, want another timed Popup to display what the message box does and do away with the msgbox.
i and j are declared variable refering to two cells on the worksheet.
I have tried to put the j and the i in the prompt section of this timed popup but it rejects .Popup "j & " for " & i" as well as .Popup j & " for " & i
MsgBox j & " for " & i
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Popup "Select another Capital Letter in K1 to
convert to ASCII", _
2, "ASCII Select"
(The CreateObject... text will probably wrap)