I'm trying to set up a report template as a form letter that can be used in
multiple situations where the bulk of the letter is always going to be the
same/use same fields but the intro and 2nd paragraph will change depending
on the letter choice. In addition, if the letter references a single patient
the letter will be one pg long; if the TO party has multiple patients, the
patient detail will appear on a 2nd page. I have a form for the user to
select the variables of who is sending the letter and which letter they want
to use. Command button on the form opens the report "template. " Report
data source is a select query which pulls a data set filtered by the form
choices & a summary query. (Could change this to a make table.) The letter
text is in the report group header (group set by user/letter/provider);
visibilty of the 2 subreports is driven by summary query linked into the
select query.
The group header has several text boxes (date/addr/sig) and a label control.
The label caption has 3 placeholders. For each record in the datasource I
want to replace the placeholders based on the SQ/table fields for that
record, skipping if empty. So letter body can be personalized.
I've seen several posts referring to pulling data in from the form, and I
did get a function to work using form data to populate the report and replace
the label caption placeholders. But it only works for the record immediately
visible on the form. What if I want to print 50 letters?
Q1: Can I produce more than one letter at a time by adding a loop to the
outside of my replace code to work through the form recordset?
Q2: Do I have to use the form as my data source or can I reference the
SQ/table data set instead?
In my first test report I was trying this with a label in the detail
section. Works when source has only one record. Report Detail section
OnFormat called:
Function FillOutFromMap(LetterName)
Dim f As Form, D As Database, R As Recordset, c As Control, SQLtext As
Set f = Forms![frmletter]
Set D = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
SQLtext = "Select * from [zsysLetterMap] where [ltrname] = '" &
LetterName & "';"
Set R = D.OpenRecordset(SQLtext)
Set c = Reports![ltrrefund]!lblIntro
Do Until R.EOF
c.Caption = Replace(c.Caption, R![Token], f(R![replacement]))
End Function
Public Function Replace(Block, Token, ReplaceText)
Dim StartToken As Long
Dim EndToken As Long
Dim Front As String
Dim Back As String
If InStr(Block, Token) Then
StartToken = InStr(Block, Token) - 1
EndToken = StartToken + Len(Token) + 1
Front = Left(Block, StartToken)
Back = Mid(Block, EndToken)
If Len(ReplaceText) > 0 Then Replace = Front & ReplaceText & Back
Replace = Front & Back
End If
End Function
If I have more records, the Replace moves on to record #2 and tries to add
the first field of rec #2 to the caption, but of course the placeholder no
longer exists. Is the problem that I havent set up my Do until loop &
R.Movenext properly? I want to run the Replace() several times for each
Q3: Will I create new problems when I move this from the Detail section to
the GroupHeader section? The Detail section is now holding my subreport
multiple situations where the bulk of the letter is always going to be the
same/use same fields but the intro and 2nd paragraph will change depending
on the letter choice. In addition, if the letter references a single patient
the letter will be one pg long; if the TO party has multiple patients, the
patient detail will appear on a 2nd page. I have a form for the user to
select the variables of who is sending the letter and which letter they want
to use. Command button on the form opens the report "template. " Report
data source is a select query which pulls a data set filtered by the form
choices & a summary query. (Could change this to a make table.) The letter
text is in the report group header (group set by user/letter/provider);
visibilty of the 2 subreports is driven by summary query linked into the
select query.
The group header has several text boxes (date/addr/sig) and a label control.
The label caption has 3 placeholders. For each record in the datasource I
want to replace the placeholders based on the SQ/table fields for that
record, skipping if empty. So letter body can be personalized.
I've seen several posts referring to pulling data in from the form, and I
did get a function to work using form data to populate the report and replace
the label caption placeholders. But it only works for the record immediately
visible on the form. What if I want to print 50 letters?
Q1: Can I produce more than one letter at a time by adding a loop to the
outside of my replace code to work through the form recordset?
Q2: Do I have to use the form as my data source or can I reference the
SQ/table data set instead?
In my first test report I was trying this with a label in the detail
section. Works when source has only one record. Report Detail section
OnFormat called:
Function FillOutFromMap(LetterName)
Dim f As Form, D As Database, R As Recordset, c As Control, SQLtext As
Set f = Forms![frmletter]
Set D = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
SQLtext = "Select * from [zsysLetterMap] where [ltrname] = '" &
LetterName & "';"
Set R = D.OpenRecordset(SQLtext)
Set c = Reports![ltrrefund]!lblIntro
Do Until R.EOF
c.Caption = Replace(c.Caption, R![Token], f(R![replacement]))
End Function
Public Function Replace(Block, Token, ReplaceText)
Dim StartToken As Long
Dim EndToken As Long
Dim Front As String
Dim Back As String
If InStr(Block, Token) Then
StartToken = InStr(Block, Token) - 1
EndToken = StartToken + Len(Token) + 1
Front = Left(Block, StartToken)
Back = Mid(Block, EndToken)
If Len(ReplaceText) > 0 Then Replace = Front & ReplaceText & Back
Replace = Front & Back
End If
End Function
If I have more records, the Replace moves on to record #2 and tries to add
the first field of rec #2 to the caption, but of course the placeholder no
longer exists. Is the problem that I havent set up my Do until loop &
R.Movenext properly? I want to run the Replace() several times for each
Q3: Will I create new problems when I move this from the Detail section to
the GroupHeader section? The Detail section is now holding my subreport