Varying % of Resource


Liam Foord

How can I vary the % across a task. Some of the tasks that o have entered
are mode labour intensive at the start and end of the task. fo instance if I
have a tasks that lasts for 8 weeks the first and last week I would like to
assign 75% and the middle 6 weeks only 10%



IMHO probably the easiest way to achieve this is to go into resource usage
view (or task usage view), find the resource & the task and either manually
adjust the hours you want them to work (each day) on the right hand side of
the screen or double click on the task (if resource usage) or resource (if
task usage) and have a look at the different types of work contours
available. These can also then be manually modified.

Please save a copy of your project first as i've noticed that sometimes
playing with the contouring settings changes the amount of work assigned to
the resource - but i've not looked into why very much at all.


Steve House [MVP]

Julie - FYI - what gets adjusted when a resource contour is applied depends
on the task type setting.

Kenneth Gorelick

Would it be naïve to suggest that a task be broken down into subtasks based
on the type of work required? For example, if resource A is needed at 50%
for 1 week, 25% for 2 weeks and 50% for 1 week during a 4 week project, I
would analyse this as three subtasks,each of which has a deliverable that
triggers the different work levels by resource A.


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