I got this Word Basic programming assignment to parse a drop down combo box
on a template file. The combo box has an account description (####). The
goal is to copy the 4 characters of the account number into a separate field
on the form. The form is an export of a loan request from one of our
mainframe systems. When ever the template is opened a mail merge process
happens and it gets auto-saved as a word document.
I think it is a limitation of Word Basic to have VBA code in a document
template. I can see all over where it talks about creating MACRO's and such,
but not straight VBA code. I specifically need to call the combo box change
event to parse the account number and copy it to another field on the
document template. But I am having difficulties calling that change event.
Is this something that can be done with VBA code in a document template. Any
examples of VBA code in a document template will be much appreciated.
on a template file. The combo box has an account description (####). The
goal is to copy the 4 characters of the account number into a separate field
on the form. The form is an export of a loan request from one of our
mainframe systems. When ever the template is opened a mail merge process
happens and it gets auto-saved as a word document.
I think it is a limitation of Word Basic to have VBA code in a document
template. I can see all over where it talks about creating MACRO's and such,
but not straight VBA code. I specifically need to call the combo box change
event to parse the account number and copy it to another field on the
document template. But I am having difficulties calling that change event.
Is this something that can be done with VBA code in a document template. Any
examples of VBA code in a document template will be much appreciated.