vb code for 30 day trial limit


Daniel Pineault

It depends how fancy you want to get.

One method would be to use a startup procedure to simply check and exit the
db after that period.

If DateDiff("d",#YourInitialDateGoesHere#,date)>30 Then
End if

Explain a little more, and perhaps we can guide you a little more.
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
For Access Tips and Examples: http://www.devhut.net
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Dave J said:
How do I code a form or application to shut down after 30 day trial?

Here's another way using the form close event
If either the date is exceeded or more than 20 records entered, it triggers.
It will delete critical form(s), making the program useless.

autonumberID is the Key value in the main table
choose the critical forms that apply
supply whatever date you wish

Dim strMSG As String
strMSG = "This Demo Has Expired" & vbCrLf & "Please Contact Me to Obtain the
Full Version"

If DCount("[autonumberID]", "a critical form") > 20 Or Date > #9/30/2010#
DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, "frmCriticalform"
DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, "frmanothercritical form"
MsgBox strMSG, vbCritical
DoCmd.Quit acQuitSaveAll
End If


LightByrd said:
Dave J said:
How do I code a form or application to shut down after 30 day trial?

Here's another way using the form close event
If either the date is exceeded or more than 20 records entered, it
It will delete critical form(s), making the program useless.

autonumberID is the Key value in the main table
choose the critical forms that apply
supply whatever date you wish

Dim strMSG As String
strMSG = "This Demo Has Expired" & vbCrLf & "Please Contact Me to Obtain
the Full Version"

If DCount("[autonumberID]", "a critical form") > 20 Or Date > #9/30/2010#
DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, "frmCriticalform"
DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, "frmanothercritical form"
MsgBox strMSG, vbCritical
DoCmd.Quit acQuitSaveAll
End If

Line above should read
If DCount("[autonumberID]", "your main table") > 20 Or Date > #9/30/2010#
wherein "your maun table is the table name holding the main data records

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