VB code to Save_as_Filename



Currently I have a workbook named "new job" that sales reps open t
input a new job. there is a command_button on the S-1 to "Save job"

Sub Save_As_FileName()

FName1 = Range("d2").Value *customer name
FName2 = Range("d3").Value *subdivision
FName3 = Range("d5").Value *lot number
FName4 = Range("d6").Value *address
Fname5 = Range("d7").Value *sales rep (bdg, ear, gjg or jpr)
pth = "f:\bids\"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=pth & FName2 & " " &
FName3 & " " & FName4 & " " & Fname5 & " " & FName1
& ".xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, CreateBackup:=False

my problem is in the path. In "f:\bids\" I have 4 folders (directories
named bdg, ear, gjg and jpr. depending on what text is in Fname5 is th
folder i want it saved to.

Is there a way to do this?

I tried

pth = "f:\bids\<space>&<space>Fname5" but it doesn't seems to b

any help would be greatly appreciated

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