Written macro which processes csv files - splits into +ve & -ve values of one
colum, sorts, adda couple of calculated columns. One of the cols (col index
5) is a date: dd/mm/yyyy, however excel is randomly converting some of these
to american format. Using CDATE fuction makes no difference. The last step in
the macro is the following code to attempt to correct this:
with workbooks(workbookobjectname)
For Each w In .Worksheets
For i = 2 To w.UsedRange.Rows.Count
w.Cells(i, 5) = CDate(DateSerial(Year(w.Cells(i, 5)), Month(w.Cells(i,
5)), Day(w.Cells(i, 5))))
Next i
Next w
end with
colum, sorts, adda couple of calculated columns. One of the cols (col index
5) is a date: dd/mm/yyyy, however excel is randomly converting some of these
to american format. Using CDATE fuction makes no difference. The last step in
the macro is the following code to attempt to correct this:
with workbooks(workbookobjectname)
For Each w In .Worksheets
For i = 2 To w.UsedRange.Rows.Count
w.Cells(i, 5) = CDate(DateSerial(Year(w.Cells(i, 5)), Month(w.Cells(i,
5)), Day(w.Cells(i, 5))))
Next i
Next w
end with