VB for Apps has the same fundamental language constructs as VB, and so you
should have no problem using it to learn VB. The thing about VBA, in most
instances, is that you have to have a good understanding of the host
application object model to do anything meaningful, as you cannot create a
standalone executable as you could with VB.
There are some differences, but they tend to be in the more obtuse uses (VB
forms have menus, VBA forms don't, VB forms have Load event, VBA have
Initialize, etc.). Most VB code can be adapted to VBA, and VBA can be
adapted to VB but this requires more work as you need to work with the
application instance, whereas this is defaulted in VBA.
Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
cincode5 said:
Sorry to post this here and on Developer page, but hopefully one of you VB
experts out there can help clarify something for me. I want to learn VB and
can get VB for Apps from my employer. But is this version of VB designed
for creating applications , or to provide a common programming language to
manipulate MS apps, or both. Would learning VB from this version be