VB formula

  • Thread starter Dave VB logic for excel
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Dave VB logic for excel


Im creating main spreadsheet and age spreadsheet.

Main Spreadsheet
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

Age Spreadsheet
For age 11
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

For age 12
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

For age 13
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

For age 14
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

So when I enter details in main spreadsheet, it should come under the
appropriate table in age spreadsheet. Is there any VB formula that I can use
to do this?

Thank you

Dave Peterson

I do my best to keep all my data in one worksheet. Then I can use
data|filter|autofilter to show just the information that I want (Filter to show
people who are 11, for example).

If that doesn't work for you, then I'd still keep all my data in one worksheet
(easy for updating) and generate new age worksheets whenever I updated the
master worksheet.

You may want to look at the way Ron de Bruin and Debra Dalgleish approached it:

Ron de Bruin's EasyFilter addin:

Code from Debra Dalgleish's site:

Create New Sheets from Filtered List -- uses an Advanced Filter to create
separate sheet of orders for each sales rep visible in a filtered list; macro
automates the filter. AdvFilterRepFiltered.xls 35 kb

Update Sheets from Master -- uses an Advanced Filter to send data from
Master sheet to individual worksheets -- replaces old data with current.
AdvFilterCity.xls 55 kb

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:


Even though I think using Auto Filter is the safest, least error prone way to
do things...

But if you INSIST! Here's worksheet code that will do a rudimentary job of
what you want. Set up your table sheet initially in the following fashion.
Note that the
age values in the "For Age ##" entries should be in column B, not as part of
"For Age" in column A.

1 For Age 11
2 Name Age Sex Status Code
4 For Age 12
5 Name Age Sex Status Code
7 For Age 13
8 Name Age Sex Status Code
continue, with blank row after each table's existing entries or label row
(2, 5, 8 above: i.e. the row above "For Age" entries must be empty.

To put the code in the proper place, right-click on the master list sheet's
name-tab and choose [View Code] from the list. Then copy and paste the code
below into that
module - make any changes to sheet names and column IDs that are required by
your actual setup.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'creates link formulas within the destSheet tables
'back to the entry row on the sourceSheet when
'the age is entered on the sourceSheet
' you type in an incorrect age and go back and correct it
' you end up with an entry for that individual in 2 tables!
' although age will show as incorrect in one of the tables.
' you type in what you think is correct age, then think that
' is wrong, change it, then realize the first entry was correct
' you end up with 2 entries in correct table
' and 1 in left in the wrong table (with wrong age showing).
' you delete a row on the sourceSheet with data in it
' you end up with a #REF! error in your table
' Probably some more I haven't even imagined!

'change the constants as required by your reality
'the minimum age to work with (have tables for)
Const minAge = 10
'the maximum age to work with (have tables for)
Const maxAge = 15
'name of sheet with master list
Const sourceSheet = "Sheet1"
'these are set up individually so that
'your table on source/dest sheets can
'occupy different columns
Const srcNameCol = "A"
Const srcAgeCol = "B"
Const srcSexCol = "C"
Const srcStatusCol = "D"
Const srcCodecol = "E"

'name of sheet with tables on it
Const destSheet = "Sheet2"
'these are set up individually so that
'your table on source/dest sheets can
'occupy different columns
Const destNameCol = "A"
Const destAgeCol = "B"
Const destSexCol = "C"
Const destStatusCol = "D"
Const destCodecol = "E"

Dim anyText As String
Dim destWS As Worksheet
Dim ageRange As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim anyCell As Range

anyText = srcAgeCol & ":" & srcAgeCol
'did change take place in proper column
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range(anyText)) _
Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
'test if multiple cells selected or
'cell changed is empty via [Del] or
'if the cell value in is non-numeric.
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Or _
IsEmpty(Target) Or _
Not (IsNumeric(Target)) Then
Exit Sub
End If
'test if is valid age
If Target < minAge Or Target > maxAge Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set destWS = Worksheets(destSheet)
'use Rows.CountLarge for Excel 2007
lastRow = destWS.Range(destAgeCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set ageRange = destWS.Range(destAgeCol & "1:" & _
destAgeCol & lastRow)
'find matching age entry group
'reset lastRow
lastRow = 0
For Each anyCell In ageRange
If anyCell.Value = Target.Value Then
'we have start of table, find end of it
lastRow = anyCell.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
Exit For
End If
'did we find a match?
If lastRow = 0 Then
Exit Sub ' no, didn't find matching age table
End If
'yes, found what we needed, insert new row for new data
destWS.Range(destAgeCol & lastRow).EntireRow.Insert
'enter data as link formulas so that any
'updates/changes are reflected in the table(s)
'and to cover the case where age gets entered
'before all other data has been entered.
destWS.Range(destNameCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcNameCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destAgeCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcAgeCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destSexCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcSexCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destStatusCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcStatusCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destCodecol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcCodecol & Target.Row
End Sub

Dave VB logic for excel

JLatham...... thank you very much. You just gave exactly i was looking for.
Thanks alot....

JLatham said:
Even though I think using Auto Filter is the safest, least error prone way to
do things...

But if you INSIST! Here's worksheet code that will do a rudimentary job of
what you want. Set up your table sheet initially in the following fashion.
Note that the
age values in the "For Age ##" entries should be in column B, not as part of
"For Age" in column A.

1 For Age 11
2 Name Age Sex Status Code
4 For Age 12
5 Name Age Sex Status Code
7 For Age 13
8 Name Age Sex Status Code
continue, with blank row after each table's existing entries or label row
(2, 5, 8 above: i.e. the row above "For Age" entries must be empty.

To put the code in the proper place, right-click on the master list sheet's
name-tab and choose [View Code] from the list. Then copy and paste the code
below into that
module - make any changes to sheet names and column IDs that are required by
your actual setup.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'creates link formulas within the destSheet tables
'back to the entry row on the sourceSheet when
'the age is entered on the sourceSheet
' you type in an incorrect age and go back and correct it
' you end up with an entry for that individual in 2 tables!
' although age will show as incorrect in one of the tables.
' you type in what you think is correct age, then think that
' is wrong, change it, then realize the first entry was correct
' you end up with 2 entries in correct table
' and 1 in left in the wrong table (with wrong age showing).
' you delete a row on the sourceSheet with data in it
' you end up with a #REF! error in your table
' Probably some more I haven't even imagined!

'change the constants as required by your reality
'the minimum age to work with (have tables for)
Const minAge = 10
'the maximum age to work with (have tables for)
Const maxAge = 15
'name of sheet with master list
Const sourceSheet = "Sheet1"
'these are set up individually so that
'your table on source/dest sheets can
'occupy different columns
Const srcNameCol = "A"
Const srcAgeCol = "B"
Const srcSexCol = "C"
Const srcStatusCol = "D"
Const srcCodecol = "E"

'name of sheet with tables on it
Const destSheet = "Sheet2"
'these are set up individually so that
'your table on source/dest sheets can
'occupy different columns
Const destNameCol = "A"
Const destAgeCol = "B"
Const destSexCol = "C"
Const destStatusCol = "D"
Const destCodecol = "E"

Dim anyText As String
Dim destWS As Worksheet
Dim ageRange As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim anyCell As Range

anyText = srcAgeCol & ":" & srcAgeCol
'did change take place in proper column
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range(anyText)) _
Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
'test if multiple cells selected or
'cell changed is empty via [Del] or
'if the cell value in is non-numeric.
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Or _
IsEmpty(Target) Or _
Not (IsNumeric(Target)) Then
Exit Sub
End If
'test if is valid age
If Target < minAge Or Target > maxAge Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set destWS = Worksheets(destSheet)
'use Rows.CountLarge for Excel 2007
lastRow = destWS.Range(destAgeCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set ageRange = destWS.Range(destAgeCol & "1:" & _
destAgeCol & lastRow)
'find matching age entry group
'reset lastRow
lastRow = 0
For Each anyCell In ageRange
If anyCell.Value = Target.Value Then
'we have start of table, find end of it
lastRow = anyCell.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
Exit For
End If
'did we find a match?
If lastRow = 0 Then
Exit Sub ' no, didn't find matching age table
End If
'yes, found what we needed, insert new row for new data
destWS.Range(destAgeCol & lastRow).EntireRow.Insert
'enter data as link formulas so that any
'updates/changes are reflected in the table(s)
'and to cover the case where age gets entered
'before all other data has been entered.
destWS.Range(destNameCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcNameCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destAgeCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcAgeCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destSexCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcSexCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destStatusCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcStatusCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destCodecol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcCodecol & Target.Row
End Sub

JLatham said:
Didn't we cover this issue in this thread?

Although in that one I provided code to move them to different sheets based
on the input rather than into tables on just one 'second' sheet. You'll also
note that in my second paragraph in that discussion I also recommended
considering just using Auto Filtering of your main list, just as Don and Dave
have done in this discussion.

Don Guillett

Perhaps you consider using the logic in your name and use the suggestions of

Don Guillett
Microsoft MVP Excel
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)
Dave VB logic for excel said:
JLatham...... thank you very much. You just gave exactly i was looking
Thanks alot....

JLatham said:
Even though I think using Auto Filter is the safest, least error prone
way to
do things...

But if you INSIST! Here's worksheet code that will do a rudimentary job
what you want. Set up your table sheet initially in the following
Note that the
age values in the "For Age ##" entries should be in column B, not as part
"For Age" in column A.

1 For Age 11
2 Name Age Sex Status Code
4 For Age 12
5 Name Age Sex Status Code
7 For Age 13
8 Name Age Sex Status Code
continue, with blank row after each table's existing entries or label row
(2, 5, 8 above: i.e. the row above "For Age" entries must be empty.

To put the code in the proper place, right-click on the master list
name-tab and choose [View Code] from the list. Then copy and paste the
below into that
module - make any changes to sheet names and column IDs that are required
your actual setup.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'creates link formulas within the destSheet tables
'back to the entry row on the sourceSheet when
'the age is entered on the sourceSheet
' you type in an incorrect age and go back and correct it
' you end up with an entry for that individual in 2 tables!
' although age will show as incorrect in one of the tables.
' you type in what you think is correct age, then think that
' is wrong, change it, then realize the first entry was correct
' you end up with 2 entries in correct table
' and 1 in left in the wrong table (with wrong age showing).
' you delete a row on the sourceSheet with data in it
' you end up with a #REF! error in your table
' Probably some more I haven't even imagined!

'change the constants as required by your reality
'the minimum age to work with (have tables for)
Const minAge = 10
'the maximum age to work with (have tables for)
Const maxAge = 15
'name of sheet with master list
Const sourceSheet = "Sheet1"
'these are set up individually so that
'your table on source/dest sheets can
'occupy different columns
Const srcNameCol = "A"
Const srcAgeCol = "B"
Const srcSexCol = "C"
Const srcStatusCol = "D"
Const srcCodecol = "E"

'name of sheet with tables on it
Const destSheet = "Sheet2"
'these are set up individually so that
'your table on source/dest sheets can
'occupy different columns
Const destNameCol = "A"
Const destAgeCol = "B"
Const destSexCol = "C"
Const destStatusCol = "D"
Const destCodecol = "E"

Dim anyText As String
Dim destWS As Worksheet
Dim ageRange As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim anyCell As Range

anyText = srcAgeCol & ":" & srcAgeCol
'did change take place in proper column
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range(anyText)) _
Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
'test if multiple cells selected or
'cell changed is empty via [Del] or
'if the cell value in is non-numeric.
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Or _
IsEmpty(Target) Or _
Not (IsNumeric(Target)) Then
Exit Sub
End If
'test if is valid age
If Target < minAge Or Target > maxAge Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set destWS = Worksheets(destSheet)
'use Rows.CountLarge for Excel 2007
lastRow = destWS.Range(destAgeCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set ageRange = destWS.Range(destAgeCol & "1:" & _
destAgeCol & lastRow)
'find matching age entry group
'reset lastRow
lastRow = 0
For Each anyCell In ageRange
If anyCell.Value = Target.Value Then
'we have start of table, find end of it
lastRow = anyCell.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
Exit For
End If
'did we find a match?
If lastRow = 0 Then
Exit Sub ' no, didn't find matching age table
End If
'yes, found what we needed, insert new row for new data
destWS.Range(destAgeCol & lastRow).EntireRow.Insert
'enter data as link formulas so that any
'updates/changes are reflected in the table(s)
'and to cover the case where age gets entered
'before all other data has been entered.
destWS.Range(destNameCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcNameCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destAgeCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcAgeCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destSexCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcSexCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destStatusCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcStatusCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destCodecol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcCodecol & Target.Row
End Sub

JLatham said:
Didn't we cover this issue in this thread?

Although in that one I provided code to move them to different sheets
on the input rather than into tables on just one 'second' sheet.
You'll also
note that in my second paragraph in that discussion I also recommended
considering just using Auto Filtering of your main list, just as Don
and Dave
have done in this discussion.



Im creating main spreadsheet and age spreadsheet.

Main Spreadsheet
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

Age Spreadsheet
For age 11
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

For age 12
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

For age 13
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

For age 14
Name Age Location Status Sex Code

So when I enter details in main spreadsheet, it should come under the
appropriate table in age spreadsheet. Is there any VB formula that I
can use
to do this?

Thank you

Dave VB logic for excel


I've added the code as you said but not working. I've insert module in the
Sheet1 and then copy the codes but not working. I know i've done something
wrong somewhere. Let me tell you what i've done. I create 2 sheets. Sheet1
and Sheet2. Sheet1 is the source and Sheet2 is the destination. I create
table in Sheet2 as you drew below. In Sheet1 i create 1 table. When i insert
data in Sheet1, no out put in Sheet2. How to sort this out?

JLatham said:
Even though I think using Auto Filter is the safest, least error prone way to
do things...

But if you INSIST! Here's worksheet code that will do a rudimentary job of
what you want. Set up your table sheet initially in the following fashion.
Note that the
age values in the "For Age ##" entries should be in column B, not as part of
"For Age" in column A.

1 For Age 11
2 Name Age Sex Status Code
4 For Age 12
5 Name Age Sex Status Code
7 For Age 13
8 Name Age Sex Status Code
continue, with blank row after each table's existing entries or label row
(2, 5, 8 above: i.e. the row above "For Age" entries must be empty.

To put the code in the proper place, right-click on the master list sheet's
name-tab and choose [View Code] from the list. Then copy and paste the code
below into that
module - make any changes to sheet names and column IDs that are required by
your actual setup.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'creates link formulas within the destSheet tables
'back to the entry row on the sourceSheet when
'the age is entered on the sourceSheet
' you type in an incorrect age and go back and correct it
' you end up with an entry for that individual in 2 tables!
' although age will show as incorrect in one of the tables.
' you type in what you think is correct age, then think that
' is wrong, change it, then realize the first entry was correct
' you end up with 2 entries in correct table
' and 1 in left in the wrong table (with wrong age showing).
' you delete a row on the sourceSheet with data in it
' you end up with a #REF! error in your table
' Probably some more I haven't even imagined!

'change the constants as required by your reality
'the minimum age to work with (have tables for)
Const minAge = 10
'the maximum age to work with (have tables for)
Const maxAge = 15
'name of sheet with master list
Const sourceSheet = "Sheet1"
'these are set up individually so that
'your table on source/dest sheets can
'occupy different columns
Const srcNameCol = "A"
Const srcAgeCol = "B"
Const srcSexCol = "C"
Const srcStatusCol = "D"
Const srcCodecol = "E"

'name of sheet with tables on it
Const destSheet = "Sheet2"
'these are set up individually so that
'your table on source/dest sheets can
'occupy different columns
Const destNameCol = "A"
Const destAgeCol = "B"
Const destSexCol = "C"
Const destStatusCol = "D"
Const destCodecol = "E"

Dim anyText As String
Dim destWS As Worksheet
Dim ageRange As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim anyCell As Range

anyText = srcAgeCol & ":" & srcAgeCol
'did change take place in proper column
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range(anyText)) _
Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
'test if multiple cells selected or
'cell changed is empty via [Del] or
'if the cell value in is non-numeric.
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Or _
IsEmpty(Target) Or _
Not (IsNumeric(Target)) Then
Exit Sub
End If
'test if is valid age
If Target < minAge Or Target > maxAge Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set destWS = Worksheets(destSheet)
'use Rows.CountLarge for Excel 2007
lastRow = destWS.Range(destAgeCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set ageRange = destWS.Range(destAgeCol & "1:" & _
destAgeCol & lastRow)
'find matching age entry group
'reset lastRow
lastRow = 0
For Each anyCell In ageRange
If anyCell.Value = Target.Value Then
'we have start of table, find end of it
lastRow = anyCell.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
Exit For
End If
'did we find a match?
If lastRow = 0 Then
Exit Sub ' no, didn't find matching age table
End If
'yes, found what we needed, insert new row for new data
destWS.Range(destAgeCol & lastRow).EntireRow.Insert
'enter data as link formulas so that any
'updates/changes are reflected in the table(s)
'and to cover the case where age gets entered
'before all other data has been entered.
destWS.Range(destNameCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcNameCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destAgeCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcAgeCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destSexCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcSexCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destStatusCol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcStatusCol & Target.Row
destWS.Range(destCodecol & lastRow).Formula = _
"='" & sourceSheet & "'!" & srcCodecol & Target.Row
End Sub

JLatham said:
Didn't we cover this issue in this thread?

Although in that one I provided code to move them to different sheets based
on the input rather than into tables on just one 'second' sheet. You'll also
note that in my second paragraph in that discussion I also recommended
considering just using Auto Filtering of your main list, just as Don and Dave
have done in this discussion.

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