VB Macro Newbie


Mark Tunstall

I am a teacher wanting to improve my electronic assignment task sheet b
using a macro that students can use to click on and it will read to the
using the speak function the text appearing in the document above th

I have not used VB before and am completely stumped on how to get thi
feature to run as I would like to benefit my students.

FYI, when I learnt to do macros we were using Word Perfect 5.1, so, i
has been a fair while.

Any help on this would be gretly appreciated.



Microsoft MVP
Mar 2, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Mark,

The simplest approach is to embed sound files in the document as clickable icons. Clicking on the icon will automatically result in the sound file being 'played'. No macros are required for this and you have complete control over what gets played when a given icon is clicked on.

If you want true text-to-speech functionality, though, see: Word text to speech

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