VB.Net Addin and Using PropertyGrid


Andy Hough

Hi all,

I'm developing a VB.Net addin for Visio 2003 and all is going smoothly
until I decided to use the PropertyGrid on a form.
The control is fine until I want to create a custom dropdown list - it
simply refuses to accept the list exists - all other properties are
I have worked though the examples on MSDN and the article on Code
Project and they all work outside Visio - i.e. on a simple .Net windows

I'm calling the form as a result of a shape being dropped on a page,
the custom list is created usin gthe StringCoverter as in the examples.

If anyone can shed some light on this I will be truly grateful.


Andy Hough

Andy Hough

Andy said:
Hi all,

I'm developing a VB.Net addin for Visio 2003 and all is going smoothly
until I decided to use the PropertyGrid on a form.
The control is fine until I want to create a custom dropdown list - it
simply refuses to accept the list exists - all other properties are
I have worked though the examples on MSDN and the article on Code
Project and they all work outside Visio - i.e. on a simple .Net
windows app.

I'm calling the form as a result of a shape being dropped on a page,
the custom list is created usin gthe StringCoverter as in the

If anyone can shed some light on this I will be truly grateful.


Andy Hough

Relax all - I've solved the problem, although it wasn't obvious!!

It would appear that a few people have had problems using the
TypeConverters in Add-In projects in .Net, and there appears to be no
hard soluton.

For those interested, have a look at
..phx.gbl which describes the problem.

My solution was when creating my
<TypeConverter(GetType(ObjList))> to not use GetType but to give the
fully qualified name of the class, therefore

And all now works

Hope this is of use to someone

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