VB.Net array Class



Can anybody tell me what's the problem with this code?

Class CRate
public mRate as double
public mValue as double
end class

Class CBox
public bNo as long
public bRate as CRate()
End Class


Private Sub Test()
Dim J as long
Dim BoxRead as CBox = New CBox(9) {}

For i = 0 to 9
BoxRead(i).bNo = i
BoxRead(i).bRate = New CRate(5) {}
For j = 0 to 5
BoxRead(i).bRate(j).mRate = (i * 12) + j
BoxRead(i).bRate(j).mValue = (i * j)
next j

next i

For i = 0 to 9
For j = 0 to 5
msgbox (BoxRead(i).bRate(j).mRate ) '<=== Error ?!
next j
next i

End Sub

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