I need the VB.NET code to change the header/footer of an Excel spread sheet,
I am doing it through a VB application. I can change the ranges/cell values
using code, but I do not know how to change things outside of the cell
ranges. I will try and post in an Excel group, but i do not need to change
it in a worksheet, I need to change it through a VB application. For
example, I am using this code to change values in certain cells:
'open excel document
Dim ThisApplication As Excel.Application
ThisApplication = New Excel.Application
' Start Excel and get Application object.
ThisApplication = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ThisApplication.Visible = True
'connection for package
Dim Wb As Excel.Workbook =
Dim CDRLWs As Excel.Worksheet = Wb.Worksheets(1)
Dim DIDWs As Excel.Worksheet = Wb.Worksheets(2)
DIDWs.Range("a2").Value = "There is no DID associated with this
DIDWs.Range("a2").Font.ColorIndex = 3
DIDWs.Range("a2").Font.Bold = True
This code works! Yet, I need to change the Worksheet's header in the same
I need to know if i can do something like:
DIDWs.Header.Value = <~~ I don' t know what the correct code is, it's just
an example.
Thanks in Advance.
I am doing it through a VB application. I can change the ranges/cell values
using code, but I do not know how to change things outside of the cell
ranges. I will try and post in an Excel group, but i do not need to change
it in a worksheet, I need to change it through a VB application. For
example, I am using this code to change values in certain cells:
'open excel document
Dim ThisApplication As Excel.Application
ThisApplication = New Excel.Application
' Start Excel and get Application object.
ThisApplication = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ThisApplication.Visible = True
'connection for package
Dim Wb As Excel.Workbook =
Dim CDRLWs As Excel.Worksheet = Wb.Worksheets(1)
Dim DIDWs As Excel.Worksheet = Wb.Worksheets(2)
DIDWs.Range("a2").Value = "There is no DID associated with this
DIDWs.Range("a2").Font.ColorIndex = 3
DIDWs.Range("a2").Font.Bold = True
This code works! Yet, I need to change the Worksheet's header in the same
I need to know if i can do something like:
DIDWs.Header.Value = <~~ I don' t know what the correct code is, it's just
an example.
Thanks in Advance.