vb report question


Eric Clapton

I have created a crystal report using version 9.0 , report1.rpt . How can I
put this to visual basic 6.0? How is the connection? Thanks.

Jim Carlock

Add the following control to the report:


That is found by clicking on Project, then Components and
it might be listed as a Seagate Crystal Reports or a Crystal
Reports Component.

I'm speaking from a Crystal Reports 4.6 / 6.0 view, and I don't
know if that works for Version 9.

Then you'll drag the Crystal Reports icon to a form, and it
should give the control a name such as Report1.

Inside the form you'll reference the control through various
properties Report1.SelectionFormula, etc.

The Crystal Reports help file should provide some help along
these lines as to how to use the different properties/methods.

Once you get that done, if you need further help, feel free to post
back and ask some more questions.

Hope that helps.

Jim Carlock
Post replies to the newsgroup.

I have created a crystal report using version 9.0 , report1.rpt . How can I
put this to visual basic 6.0? How is the connection? Thanks.

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