VB Script Failure


Chris Stammers


We have a set of Macros which use VB script to pull in data from various
Excel files, and then update a report. The script uses FlexiGrids, which
appear to have disappeared. Everytime we run the program, we get an error
stating 'Compile Error In Hidden Module'. We are, in the main, using Excel
2003 however we have one machine that is still running Excel 2000 and it is
the same story; there appears to be a security issue with the grids. We have
tried setting the macro security level to low, but this had no affect. We
know the grids are installed. Can anyone help?


Jacob Skaria

Dear Chris

As this is a generic error it would be difficult to trouble shoot the error.
If the Workbook VBE is not password protected click 'Debug' in the error
window. This will take you to the code line returning error. Let us know the
code line.

If this post helps click Yes

Chris Stammers

Thank you Jacob. We have just created a new user form and tried to insert a
flexigrid, and we got an error message stating 'The subject is not trusted
for the specified action.' This appears to be the root of out problem however
nothing we try seems to work.


Chris Stammers

Thank you. We have since found out that Windows Update KB960715 was the
problem. After uninstalling this update, the script and flexigrids work fine.

Thanks again for your help.


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