I have managed to cobble together a forn in outlook that
sends the contents of the text boxes on that form to an
access DB. However, i used VBA to do this from the
outlook send button. I dont want to do this in the final
version i want a button on the form that does it, however
it has to be done in VB script. Can anyone help with the
this is the vba code that i used.
Set wrkjet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
Set dbs = wrkjet.OpenDatabase(fname, True)
sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_vacancies ( Date_Notified,
[Location Name], "
sql = sql & "[Bus_Stream], [Job Title], [Hours],
[Num_of_posts] ) "
sql = sql & "SELECT #" & Date & "# AS Expr1,""" &
frm_values(3) & """ AS Expr2, """
sql = sql & frm_values(5) & """ AS Expr3, """ & frm_values
(1) & """ AS Expr4,"""
sql = sql & frm_values(2) & """ AS Expr5, """ & frm_values
(4) & """ AS Expr7;"
dbs.Execute sql
I have managed to cobble together a forn in outlook that
sends the contents of the text boxes on that form to an
access DB. However, i used VBA to do this from the
outlook send button. I dont want to do this in the final
version i want a button on the form that does it, however
it has to be done in VB script. Can anyone help with the
this is the vba code that i used.
Set wrkjet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
Set dbs = wrkjet.OpenDatabase(fname, True)
sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_vacancies ( Date_Notified,
[Location Name], "
sql = sql & "[Bus_Stream], [Job Title], [Hours],
[Num_of_posts] ) "
sql = sql & "SELECT #" & Date & "# AS Expr1,""" &
frm_values(3) & """ AS Expr2, """
sql = sql & frm_values(5) & """ AS Expr3, """ & frm_values
(1) & """ AS Expr4,"""
sql = sql & frm_values(2) & """ AS Expr5, """ & frm_values
(4) & """ AS Expr7;"
dbs.Execute sql