VB Script to automate Excel does not run as Sheduled Task


dan artuso

Hi All,
I have a VB Script that does some excel automation. Basically it parses a
text file and builds a spreadsheet from the data within.
The OS is Win2K Server.
The script runs fine if run 'manually' but always hangs if run as a Sheduled

Has anyone else seen this problem? I should mention that *any* script that
automates Excel will not run as a Scheduled Task.

Steve Yandl

Do scripts that don't have anything to do with Excel run?

How do you launch the script manually? How do you launch as a scheduled

If your script is named myscript.vbs, try scheduling
wscript.exe myscript.vbs
if that isn't the way you're doing things now. You may need to have the
complete path to wscript.exe but probably not.


dan artuso

Manual means double clicking the vbs file.
For a scheduled Task, we simply schedule it and wait for ir to run.
The task does start and we can see the instance of excel in memory, it just
hangs though.

Dan Artuso

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