VB Script to shutdown Outlook?


S. Craft

Can someone tell me how to write a VB script to force Outlook to shut down?
I already have this:

set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.AppActivate "Inbox - Microsoft Outlook"
WScript.Sleep 500
set WshShell = Nothing

But that will only shut down Outlook if the Inbox is selected. Is there
some other, similar command or syntax I can use to shut down the application
regardless of what folder is selected? Pardon my VB ignorance.

Alternately, if anyone has any other suggestions to force Outlook to shut
down, I would love to hear them. I've already tried using MS's KILL.EXE,
with which I have had only moderate success, and it nearly always generates
a Windows error, which screws up my batch file. I was hoping to find a
command line parameter -- like "outlook.exe /shutdown" or something -- but a
/shutdown switch appears not to exist.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.


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