vb to excel




I have been asked to create a front end appliacation where people can enter
data in text boxes and the data will update the excel sheet.
The problem is that there are going to be 15 people using the application
and they do not have Microsoft Access (or sql) to store the data in a back
end database.
As you know it isnt possible for more than one person to access an Excel
sheet, update it and save it.
So now I am kind of stuck. I have tried a '.csv' file and updated it
successfully, but it doesnt support the colouring and resizing of cells.
At present I am updating an '.xls' file and I am also able to do this
successfully. But now I am trying to get VB to know whether the excel sheet
is read/write or just read. If it is read then I will put in a method called
sleep which will cause a small delay and then try again.

I have only started programming recently and I am only 19. So I probably
have no idea what im talking about, but I would appreciate any pointers and
tips with the code and how to go about it.


Hi, i'm using this code:

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly Then
GoTo line1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

There are maybe another ways do this but I didn't look for anything else

„chandij" napísal (napísala):


You do not need Access (the Application) running on the PC for you to use
Access MDB files. From within Excel you can use ADO to update the MDB file,
whilst loading data into your Excel sheets for reporting etc. Since you
have not stated what you wish to do, other than create a central database
this is only the start. File locking is part of the MDB structure and you
can test this in the VBA code from Excel.

See the following as a starter for 10...................



Basically what I have been asked to do is to make all the information entered
on the front end screen by users end up on an excel spreadsheet.
The users dont have Microsoft Access on their server, and I am working on a
different server from them.


Hi, in my case there are more then 200 people and I'm using only Excel. My
program is working like this. Every user is using same program, fill in some
data in form and when he hits the OK button this code is running:


Workbooks.Open "\\\zen\aplik\aplikaciasu\SU Formulare\Minima
a sadzby.xls", , , , , , , , , , Notify = False
Workbooks("Minima a sadzby.xls").Activate
If ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly Then
GoTo line1
End If

The file is opened just for few seconds until the data are filled in. The it
is saved and closed.


„chandij" napísal (napísala):

Harald Staff


A standard Excel document like this contains the data, the logic, the code,
the cosmetics and the reports, all in one. Those files tend to bloat and
self destruct after a while, they are also true horror to consolidate and
harmonize. What I believe you want is a "real data application", a system,
where data is entered in the best way to enter data, stored in the best way
to store data, and read in the best way to read data. The entry/edit part,
the storage part and the summary/analysis part may well be (and are most
often) totally different beasts, different technologies, different
locations, ...

My humble advice; forget coding and previous ideas for a while. Think this
through, draw some flowcharts and sketches, and then break down the problem
to many minor parts like "how do I write to a remote file", "how do I read
it back into Excel", "how do I tag which info that I wrote". From there it's
manageable and pretty fun to build.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

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