I gave a couple of references in the previous append. this from msdn,
Visual Basic is the senior member of the family of Visual Basic products
that includes Visual Basic for Applications and Visual Basic, Scripting
Edition (VBScript). While most of the code that you write in Visual Basic
can be shared with applications written in Visual Basic for Applications or
VBScript, there are some exceptions.
Compatibility with Visual Basic for Applications
Visual Basic for Applications is a single, common application scripting
language and environment that users and developers can leverage across their
Windows desktop. Visual Basic for Applications is included in Microsoft
Office and other Microsoft applications. It is also licensed to other
software vendors and included in a wide range of products.
Visual Basic for Applications, contained in Vba6.dll, is the underlying
language engine for Visual Basic. This library contains all of the language
elements that are shared by Visual Basic for Applications and Visual Basic.
You can view the elements by selecting VBA from the Library listbox in the
Object Browser. Code written in Visual Basic for Applications is portable to
Visual Basic with the following limitations: Visual Basic for Applications
code that refers to application-specific elements (such as an Microsoft
Excel worksheet) may be ported, provided that they contain a fully qualified
reference and provided that the referenced application exists on the target
Elements specific to Visual Basic, such as forms and intrinsic controls, are
contained in the type library Vb6.olb (which is also visible in the Object
Browser). In general, code written in Visual Basic is portable to Visual
Basic for Applications as long as it doesnt reference these elements.
For More Information To learn more about Visual Basic for Applications,
visit the Microsoft Web site at
http://www.microsoft.com.To learn more about
referencing objects, see "Creating a Reference to an Object" in "Programming
with Components." To learn more about native-code compilation, see
"Compiling Your Project to Native Code" in "More About Programming."