Some notes from the "Read Me" file...
"Office XP Web Services Toolkit 2.0 Readme"
The Web Service References Tool 2.0 Requires Microsoft
Windows 98 Second Edition or Later. The Web Service
References Tool 2.0 uses SOAP 3.0, which is not supported
on Microsoft Windows 98 First Edition or earlier
operating systems
Uninstall Earlier Versions of the Office XP Web Services
Toolkit Before Installing Version 2.0
When you uninstall version 1.0 of the toolkit, the SOAP
2.0 client may be removed depending on the state of your
computer. If you have existing Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA)/SOAP solutions that require the SOAP
2.0 client, those applications may not run properly after
uninstalling the toolkit
To resolve this issue, you can migrate many existing
solutions to SOAP 3.0, which is installed with this
release of the Web Services Toolkit. Alternatively, you
can continue to use your existing solutions without
change by installing the SOAP Toolkit 2.0. SOAP 2.0 will
exist side-by-side with SOAP 3.0