VBA and charting in excel



I was using VBA excel to generate some charts based on user selectable
criteria. The basis for the charts was the old favorite: the pie chart.

The problem I'm encountering in excel 2000 is that it appears if I use a
lable > 15 chars and contains a space VBA throws an error. This only
occurs when I use an array for the data labels (not a range)

Is there anyway to work around this?
Ideally I'd like to set it with some dummy data then replace on a label
by label basis to avoid the character limit. Like,

with chart.seriescollection(1)
for i = 0 to iEndloop
.Xvalues(i) = sCategory(i)
end with

I've tried all the things I could think of using the .xvalues property
(and obviously the above snipped doesn't work) and I just need some
suggestions on how to tackle this problem. TIA

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