VBA and Citrix


Derek Wittman

Good morning,
I've begun using VBA in Access to export datafiles from Mobius's Document
Direct and Analyzer applications and pulling the tables with relevant data
into my Access Database. Unfortunately, I have 2 tables and 2 different
versions of Document Direct that are required for their respective tables.

Both of these are accessible through Citrix only. The database resides on
the primary Citrix server cluster, while the newer version of DD is on a
separate server that is inaccessible other than as a standalone.

Unfortunately, since Access cannot hit the separate server, I am not sure
how to get the data programmatically. Is it possible for Access to control
Citrix and applications within?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thank you,

Derek Wittman

Good afternoon,
I've gotten the 2nd Document Direct to run, but I cannot get the script to
run from within the application. I have called it with a SHELL - this opens
the application, but not the Script - and tried it with the GetObject and
CreateObject methods, to no avail. Below is the code I have used. If anyone
has any suggestions, I'm trying to really avoid the VBA equivalent of
SendKeys. Thank you very much! Ph, I've left the former code in as comments
in the event that someone finds this worthwhile.


Option Compare Database
Public Function runme()
Dim strpath1 As String
Dim strpath2 As String
Dim strpath3 As String
Dim strpath4 As String
Dim strpath5 As String
DoCmd.Echo True, ""
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim PNObj As Object
Set PNObj = GetObject("", "MainRDW") ' If not MainRDW, then what?
If PNObj Is Nothing Then Set PNObj = CreateObject("MainRDW")
openfile =
PNObj.SetScriptFile("x:\mc\logistics\distribution\common\derek\scoreboard\trans2.msl /a")
Set PNObj = Nothing
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'strpath1 = "C:\Program Files\Citrix\ICA Client\pn.exe /APP "
'"P:\WINNT\system32\Ica PassThrough\pn.exe /app "
'strpath2 = "Document Direct"
'strpath3 = " /pni "
'strpath4 = "d9jk8o97"
'strpath5 = " x:\mc\logistics\distribution\common\derek\scoreboard\trans2.msl"
'Call Shell(strpath1 & Chr$(34) & strpath2 & Chr$(34) & strpath3 & Chr$(34)
& strpath4 & Chr$(34) & strpath5 & "/a")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Function

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