VBA and Combo Box



Unfortunately I have nearly 0 knowledge of VBA in Excel.

Can someone please help me setup the proper coding for this particular
scenario I am trying to create?

I would like a Combo Box that is populated by a column on another
sheet, that once a selection is made, will reference a different column
that will populate a seperate cell.

For example:
Let's say that all my data for Column One is A50:A100
Let's say that all my data for the second source is D50:D100
My ComboBox is in Cell A15.
My result should be displayed in D15

How can I make it such that when a selection is made in the ComboBox it
references the appropriate cell in column A and displays the
appropriate value from column D in D15?

I have been trying to put together a program, but unfortunately am not
sure how to do so.

Helmut Weber


this is a group for beginners in Word VBA.
I'd rather ask in an Excel-group.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA
"red.sys" & chr(64) & "t-online.de"
Word 2002, Windows 2000

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