VBA Automation advice



I have kept my explanation as simple as possible.

I tried using the macro recorder to record the code I want but didn't
understand the steps I should follow when using the recorder to achieve the
data input Month Number / Date to get the list I want as described

I want to create a list of months as shown below
Column A Column B
1 Oct 04
2 Nov 04
3 Dec 04

At the moment I create it manually
Column A = ROW() copied down.
Column B = Custom date format mmm-yy copied down.
10 and Oct 04 copied down would produce 1 to 10 .....Jan 04 to Oct 04


I have place a command button on the work sheet and named it "NewForm"

I want to create code to attach to the command button which when run will
display a form with two input boxes in sucession 1. Number of Months and 2.

The result being a list of numbered months.

Any sample code / advice would be much appreciated.

Dan R.


Here's one way:

Private Sub NewForm_Click()
Dim months As Variant, i As Integer
Dim mydate As Variant
Dim m As Integer, d As Integer, y As Integer

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
months = Application.InputBox("Number of months:")
mydate = Application.InputBox("Start date (mm/dd/yy):")

m = Left(mydate, 2)
d = Mid(mydate, 4, 2)
y = Right(mydate, 2)

If months <> False And mydate <> False Then
For i = 1 To months
Cells(i, 1) = i
Cells(i, 2) = i & "/" & d & "/" & y
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error #" & Err.Number & vbLf & _
Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"

End Sub

Dan R.

Made a correction, try this one.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim months As Variant, i As Integer
Dim mydate As Variant
Dim m As Integer, d As Integer, y As Integer

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
months = Application.InputBox("Number of months:")
mydate = Application.InputBox("Start date (mm/dd/yy):")
If months = False Or mydate = False Then Exit Sub

m = Left(mydate, 2)
d = Mid(mydate, 4, 2)
y = Right(mydate, 2)

For i = 1 To months
Cells(i, 1) = i
Cells(i, 2) = i & "/" & d & "/" & y

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error #" & Err.Number & vbLf & _
Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"

End Sub


Hi Dan

Can you tell me how I can edit the properties of the Command Button I
attached the code to? Although I have it working, I can't gain access to the
properties to change the button caption....is this because it is embedded in
the worksheet?

Dan R.

Go to View...Toolbars...Control Toolbox. Click the 'Design Mode'
button. Then right click your button and hit 'Properties'.

Or through code:

NewForm.Caption = "My Button"


Hi Dan
Thanks for the reply.
I figured out entering design mode just after posting.
Thanks for the additional code: NewForm.Caption = "My Button"

Answer one more question please....
Can you tell me what the purpose / difference is between the Form control
Toolbox and the VBE Control Toolbox

Thanks in advance.

dan dungan

Hi Dan,

I'm attempting to better understand coding, so I copied this code and
entered 12 in the number of months and 11/26/07 as the start date.

The code returned the following data:

1 1/26/2007
2 2/26/2007
3 3/26/2007
4 4/26/2007
5 5/26/2007
6 6/26/2007
7 7/26/2007
8 8/26/2007
9 9/26/2007
10 10/26/2007
11 11/26/2007
12 12/26/2007

This doesn't show my start date in #1.

To get the data to start at my start date, I changed the code from:
Cells(i, 2) = i & "/" & d & "/" & y
Cells(i, 2) = m + i & "/" & d & "/" & y

Then it returns

1 12/26/2007
2 13/26/7
3 14/26/7
4 15/26/7
5 16/26/7
6 17/26/7
7 18/26/7
8 19/26/7
9 20/26/7
10 21/26/7
11 22/26/7
12 23/26/7

How would I accommodate the change in year?

Dan D.

dan dungan

Hi Dan,

I also don't understand:

Dim months As Variant, i As Integer
Dim mydate As Variant
Dim m As Integer, d As Integer, y As Integer

Why not dim months and mydate as integer?


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