VBA Cell Summation



I'm trying to create a UDF that sums a range of cells. I know there is
a function for this, but it doesn't work well with concatenated values.
Could someone tell me what is wrong with this code? When it gets to the
'With Worksheets(s_Book).Cells(rwIndex, colIndex)' line it bounces out
of the loop and throws a #VALUE error. Values that I've come into the
function with would be...

s_Book = "[Orders_June_2006.xls]Orders"
Begin_Column = 140
End_Column = 149
Begin_Row = 30
End_Row = 30

Function SUM_RANGE(s_Book As String, Begin_Column As Integer, End_Column
As Integer, Begin_Row As Integer, End_Row As Integer) As Integer

Rem *Application.Volatile

Rem * tracks total of the cells
Dim n_Total As Integer
n_Total = 0

Rem *cycling through the cell range
For rwIndex = Begin_Row To End_Row
For colIndex = Begin_Column To End_Column
With Worksheets(s_Book).Cells(rwIndex, colIndex)
n_Total = n_Total + .Value
End With
Next colIndex
Next rwIndex

End Function

Bob Phillips

You are passing a book and sheet to the function and trying to use that for
a worksheet object ... no can do.

Try this

Function SUM_RANGE(s_Book As String, _
s_Sheet As String, _
Begin_Column As Integer, _
End_Column As Integer, _
Begin_Row As Integer, _
End_Row As Integer) As Integer

Rem *Application.Volatile

Rem * tracks total of the cells
Dim n_Total As Integer
n_Total = 0

Rem *cycling through the cell range
For rwIndex = Begin_Row To End_Row
For colIndex = Begin_Column To End_Column
With Workbooks(s_Book).Worksheets(s_Sheet).Cells(rwIndex,
n_Total = n_Total + .Value
End With
Next colIndex
Next rwIndex

End Function

and call like

=SUM_ RANGE("Orders_June_2006.xls","Orders",140,149,30,30)



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Unfortunately that
didn't fix the issue. It still bounces out at the "With
Workbooks(s_Book).Worksheets(s_Sheet).Cells(rwIndex, colIndex)' line
with a #VALUE error :(


My spreadsheet calculation is set to i.e

10 + 10 = 100

or my percentage is also set instead of 100% I get 1000%

can you help please

Many thanks

Bob Phillips

Apart from failing to return the value (legacy of your code), it works fine
for me. Here is a version, without wrap-around, returning the value

Function SUM_RANGE(s_Book As String, _
s_Sheet As String, _
Begin_Column As Integer, _
End_Column As Integer, _
Begin_Row As Integer, _
End_Row As Integer) As Integer

Rem *Application.Volatile

Rem * tracks total of the cells
Dim n_Total As Integer
n_Total = 0

Rem *cycling through the cell range
For rwIndex = Begin_Row To End_Row
For colIndex = Begin_Column To End_Column
With Workbooks(s_Book).Worksheets(s_Sheet) _
.Cells(rwIndex, colIndex)
n_Total = n_Total + .Value
End With
Next colIndex
Next rwIndex
SUM_RANGE = n_Total
End Function



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Hmmmmm, thanks. This time it worked. Dunno why it gave me grief on the
last test!?!

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